It contains no fat cells and sits behind the protective blood-brain barrier that usually blocks the entry of undesirable molecules. 因为大脑本身并不包含脂肪细胞,且它安居于血-脑屏障的保护之后,这道屏障通常足以将危险分子阻挡于大脑之外。
While removing dirt and oil, the surfactant interacts with the stratum corneum, the skin's outermost layer and protective barrier& and that is where problems begin. 在祛除污垢与油脂时,表面活性剂会与角质层发生反应。角质层是皮肤的最外层,也是它的防护屏障&而这正是问题的根源。
By helping them, we might create a protective barrier against loneliness that can keep the whole network from unraveling. 当时帮助他们,我们会建立一个保护屏障去抵制寂寞,这能避开整个网络被拆散。
Germany's attempt to erect a protective barrier against unwanted foreign investors has become hostage to the mounting political tensions in Chancellor Angela Merkel's fractious grand coalition. 德国试图对不受欢迎的国外投资者树立保护性壁垒的举措,已受到总理安吉拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)难以驾驭的大联合政府(GrandCoalition)内部日益紧张的政治关系的制约。
These materials function by adsorbing onto the steel and providing a protective barrier between the steel and acid. 缓蚀剂通过吸附于钢材表面,进而在钢材和酸之间形成一层保护屏障而起作用。
Study of Early Enteral Nutrition on the Protective Effect of Gut Barrier in Rats with Acute Pancreatitis 早期肠内营养对急性胰腺炎大鼠肠粘膜屏障保护作用的研究
Wall of Ectoplasm. You create a protective barrier. 星质墙:你创造一个保护性的障碍物。
The creation of a protective barrier between the existing eco-systems within the woods and the inhabitants of the city. 在树林中原有生态系统与城市居民之间创造防护栅栏;
Protective barrier facilities shall be arranged around the excavation area. 在开挖处周围应布置的障碍保护设施。
What But chemical treatment for brain cancer is complex because of the protective blood-brain barrier. 方法对脑癌是很复杂的因为保护脑部血液障碍。
However, this protective barrier or "plastic wall" also makes it harder to gain access to the cellulose. 然而同时,这种保护性屏障或者塑料墙壁也使我们更难从植物中得到纤维素。
Electroacupuncture is protective to the blood-brain barrier in rabbit with acute cerebral infarction 电针对急性脑梗死家兔血脑屏障的保护作用及其机制
The protective effect of Cu barrier layer is lower than that of Zr barrier layer, therefore, Cu used as inner liner barrier layer of zircaloy cladding has rarely been adopted. 铜阻挡层防护作用较锆阻挡层低,已很少被采用。
Formerly designed as protective barrier and restricted by a standardized format, the dune belt is now regarded as a component of a coastal ecocomplex with strong natural heritage value. 以前作为防护屏障严格按标准格式设计的沙丘林带,现被认为是具有浓郁天然遗产价值的海岸生态复合体的组成部分。
Testimony for Hypothesis of Protective Barrier Formed by Edge-Flowing Blood in Vessel 血液缘流保护性屏障假说的证明
Conclusion: TLGX herbs have apparently protective effects on the gut barrier in MODS rats. 结论:通里攻下中药对MODS时肠道屏障功能具有明显的保护作用。
Conclusion Vitamin C had a protective function for intestinal mucosal barrier of the scalded rats. 结论维生素C对烫伤大鼠肠黏膜屏障有明显的保护作用,能抑制肠道细菌易位和肠道内内毒素吸收。
The protective blood brain barrier normally allows diffusion of small molecules such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, and transport of essential nutrients, but excludes large proteins and other blood constituents from the interstitial space of the CNS. 在中枢神经系统中,氧气,二氧化碳和一些基本营养物质可以通过血脑屏障,而其他血液组分和大分子蛋白则不能通过。
Result: In the vessel which diameter is 74.87 ± 3.26 μ m, the thickness of the protective barrier formed by the edge-flowing blood in vessels was difference between the pathological group and the control group. 结果:在血管直径为74.87±3.26μm的血管中血液缘流厚度在病理状态下随血管的舒张、收缩而发生改变;
Conclusion Methylprednisolone can inhibit the expression of ICAM-1 in intestinal tissue and has potential protective effects on the intestinal barrier function after hemorrhagic shock. 结论早期大剂量运用甲基强的松龙,能够抑制失血性休克后肠组织ICAM-1的表达,减轻肠结构的破坏,保护肠粘膜屏障功能。
It's a piece of software or hardware that creates a protective barrier between personal computer and potentially harmful content on the Internet. 个人防火墙也是由软件或硬件组成,它在个人电脑和有潜在危险的网络之间构建了一道防护屏障,是个人电脑抵御入侵的第一条防线。
The high corrosion resistance of the amorphous Ni-P alloy deposits is attributed to the phosphorus enrichment on the surface and formation of a protective barrier layer as a hypophosphite anion or a compound Ni_2P. 文中还指出,非晶态Ni-P合金高耐蚀的原因,是由于合金表面磷的富集,生成次亚磷酸根阴离子(H2PO2~-)或Ni2P化合物的保护层,使合金进入钝性状态。
Skin lies in the interface between inner condition and outer environment of body is an important protective organ as a barrier and the epidermis is mostly made of keratinocytes. 皮肤位于机体外环境和内环境的界面上,是机体重要的屏障保护器官,其表皮绝大部分由角质形成细胞(KC)组成。
Numerical simulation confirm The edge flow protective barrier. 3. 数值模拟计算证实了血液缘流保护性屏障的真实存在。
There was a significant protective effect on gut barrier with early enteral nutrition. 术后早期肠内营养对肠粘膜屏障有明显的保护作用。
From our study, we discovered that the biofilm can increase the biocompatibility of bioprosthesis, at the same time, it can be a protective barrier to prevent the penetrating of blood debris and blood cells. 本研究发现,瓣膜表面的蛋白生物膜不但可以提高瓣膜的生物相容性,同时可以作为一个保护屏障,防止血液成分和细胞渗入瓣叶。
Intestinal mucosal barrier, which could effectively block the invasion of intestinal microorganisms and toxins, was an important protective barrier. 肠黏膜屏障可有效地阻挡肠道内微生物及其毒素向肠腔外组织扩散,是机体重要的保护屏障。
For cerebral cortex atherosclerosis blood flow protective barrier theory, margins provided the basis of hemodynamic changes. 为大脑皮质微血管动脉粥样硬化血液缘流保护性屏障学说,提供了血流动力学改变的依据。
After 12h, except kidney, brain and bursa, the bacteria can be detected in the remaining organs, which indicated that E. coli was firstly breakthrough the lung protective barrier and then in other organs to invade into the ducklings. 12h后,除肾、脑、法氏囊,其余都可以检测到病原菌,说明此感染的大肠杆菌进入侵鸭雏鸭机体,是先突破肺的保护屏障,然后再对其他各器官进行感染。
The insecticide component in the seed coating is coated on the surface of the seeds, releases slowly in crop seedling stage, forms a protective barrier surrounding the seeds. 种衣剂中的杀虫剂可包被于种子表面,在作物苗期缓慢释放,在种子周围形成保护屏障。